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Nigeriaantje dollen

(23 reacties. Pagina 3 van 3)
Moderator(s): Dré
FossaltaStandaard Lid
Uit: Nederland
Sinds: 14-12-2001
Laatste: 11-3-2013
Berichten: 1096
15-1-2004 22:32
Ik wou dat ik dit soort mail kreeg... ik heb de laatste tijd alleen maar last van virussen, maar ik weet niet van wie ik ze krijg :(...

TomVIP Lid
Uit: Anders
Sinds: 3-1-2002
Laatste: 19-9-2024
Berichten: 9489
15-1-2004 22:57
We doen hem weer op slot tot het volgende nieuws van Victor.
Ik duw altijd tegen deuren waar trekken op staat.
VictorVIP Lid
Uit: Nederland
Sinds: 23-8-2002
Laatste: 16-9-2024
Berichten: 5308
17-1-2004 20:31
Mijn vriend schreef weer terug. Ik hem natuurlijk ook:

Dear Mr. Infinity,

Thanks for your mail, well all fees are EUROS 45678 which i have to pay to the security conpany.

Let call our self friend, please be hornest to me.

What did you have to asist me.

i would like to known your full detain, full name, tellephone number, home address, all this have to be sumitted to the security conpany for change of the name into yours as the beneficairy to the fund.


Luis Yegen
Ik ben niet gek, ik ben een helicopter! Een Satel Pogi om precies te zijn!
VictorVIP Lid
Uit: Nederland
Sinds: 23-8-2002
Laatste: 16-9-2024
Berichten: 5308
17-1-2004 20:51
Mijn antwoord:

Hello friend! I am very happy you wrote back to me! I was afraid I might miss out
on this once-in-a-lifetime offer. Even more, since I really need the part of the $ 26.000 (or how much was it?). More about that later.

Dear friend, I have seen the light. A light, that will lead both of us to incredible wealth. You said you wanted to invest, and I know just the thing: wooden shoes, made out of Dutch goat-cheese! Indeed: goat cheese. Cow-milk just isn't the thing anymore. The future is goat milk, and even better: goat cheese! We will be rich, Luis!! I can feel it, and it feels good, I assure you! Well, it's just a thought.

You wanted my phone number, so here it is: 505-794-9493. I'm afraid you have to figure out the country codes yourself, because I'm not sure where you come from. You mentioned Mozambique, but I thougt that was the capital city of Spain. I'm sorry, I'm not so good at this geography. You can also fax me. Same number, except the last digit, which will be a 3. Pay attention to this, because the police office has almost the same number, except that the last to digits are 93. We don't want them snooping around, now do we?

My name is Froukje de Both, by the way. This is after the sex-operation I had last week. I wish you could see the result. I think it's great! Maybe I will send you some pictures next time! The whole thing costed me only € 250 by the way. The rest of it was paid by the insurance company. Great eh? Unfortunately, this € 250 was the biggest part of my total budget for the month january. I'm glad I always have a good solution for money-problems like this: I don't answer the phone, but leave the answering machine on. Great way to get rid of those bill collectors! I'm sure you know these people.

Best regards, also to Chief Whip.
Ik ben niet gek, ik ben een helicopter! Een Satel Pogi om precies te zijn!

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