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Handleiding of tutorial voor Reason 2.5

(14 reacties. Pagina 1 van 2)
Moderator(s): Dré
DJ AroZStandaard Lid
Uit: Nederland
Sinds: 13-2-2003
Laatste: 27-12-2003
Berichten: 123
25-10-2003 22:46
Wie heeft er een nederlandse handleiding op het internet of tutorial van Reason 2.5

Alvast Bedankt!
SnakeEffect Guru
Uit: België
Sinds: 17-2-2003
Laatste: 19-4-2014
Berichten: 675
26-10-2003 13:16
Er zit een helpfunctie in Reason 2.5. Ga naar Help, kies dan één van de onderwerpen.

Ik denk niet dat er een software-versie van de nederlandse handleiding verkrijgbaar is. Misschien hier:
DJ AroZStandaard Lid
Uit: Nederland
Sinds: 13-2-2003
Laatste: 27-12-2003
Berichten: 123
26-10-2003 18:41
Ik heb daar die handleiding gedownloadt.
Maar ik snap er geen ene scheet van
SnakeEffect Guru
Uit: België
Sinds: 17-2-2003
Laatste: 19-4-2014
Berichten: 675
26-10-2003 19:44
Begin dan met iets gemakkelijkers. Beetje spelen en programmeren met Rebirth 2.0 bracht bij mij soelaas.
BramcomStandaard Lid
Uit: Nederland
Sinds: 8-10-2003
Laatste: 29-12-2008
Berichten: 73
31-10-2003 15:49
Let's take Reason from the top:

The Reason interface is designed to look like a hardware rack. With the different components of reason looking like actual hardware instruments. Always at the top of the rack is the "Hardware "Interface". This is not really important when you use Reason with Cubase except on the left in the audio out box it should say "Rewire Slave Mode". You get Reason to do this automatically if you load it after loading Cubase.

One other important point with the hardware interface is that Reason can output up to 64 channels into Cubase. If you want each component in Reason to have a separate channel in Cubase then press the "tab" key to flip the rack over and plug the cables for each component directly into the numbered channels on the back of the hardware interface. If you flick back to Cubase the channel numbers correspond to the channel numbers in the rewire panal (in Cubase go panels>rewire to see this).

This sounds a little complicated but it's not really. Plug the Reason components into the hardware interface channels 1-64 and see them appear in Cubase in the rewire channels 1-64 and on the main mixer.

When this is done the Reason components (you have loaded) will come up as possible outputs for your midi channels.

Now I'll go through the Reason components and show you what they do.

How to work the different Reason components:

One component you won't need when using Reason with Cubase is the mixer. It is best to just leave this component out to save space and computer power. Remember I outlined how to connect your Reason components directly to the hardware interface earlier? So let's start instead with the component I use the most, the NN-19 digital sampler.

The NN-19 digital sampler:

This is a very nice sampler that I use for drums as well as for instruments. If you right click in some empty rack space you can select this component to load. You can load as many as you want until your computer locks up.

This is a nice sampler that lets you pitch shift, filter and adjust the amplification evelope.

The red arrow on the left is where you click to load in the patches included with Reason in the sound bank. The arrow on the right is where you click to load in any sample you want. This is where I load in my own individual drum sounds.

If you load in your own samples remember to right click and initialize the patch so that the sampler setting don't make you sample sound funny.

The Subtractor synth:

This is a software synth that is good for making basslines. Simply give it some midi notes select a suitable bad ass patch and away you go. If you don't know anything about synths don't worry just fiddle with every nob and button while some midi notes loop over and over. Here's what it looks like.

The red arrow points to where to load in the patches included with Reason in the sound bank.

The DR Rex:

This is what I call a loop sampler. What you do is load in special loops called rex files (they have a .rex filename extension). You can edit any loop and create a .rex file if you have another program called Recycle 2. If you don't have Recycle 2 then you are stuck with the rex files included with Reason.

I'll have to explain exactly what a rex file is so that you get how this thing works. What Recycle 2 does is put in marker before every beat. This means the all the kicks and snares and hats in the loop are marked AND mapped to a keyboard.

When you load in the rex file to DR Rex you can change the tempo in the loop without pitch shifting the sounds. This is done because the beats are moved around by the markers so that they get closer or more spaced when the tempo is adjusted. You can make any loop fit the tempo of your song with this baby. You can also put the sounds back in in any order by changing the midi data.

The best thing to do is load up a rex file and have a play with some midi data. Here's what a DR Rex looks like.

The red arrow is where you load in rex files. This baby has all the standard filtering options. Nice.

The ReDrum:

This machine is a stock standard drum sampler. Reason comes with heaps of good drum kits and you can mix and match them. Each strip is the settings for a single drum sound. So the 10 strips correspond to 10 different drum sounds you can load in at once. You can also load in your own drum sounds.

I don't use this machine much since I simply use a number of NN-19 samples (one for each drum sound). I've got a grunty PC though and you might not want to bother hooking up that many samplers.

Here's what this baby looks like.
Load in each drum sound using the buttons below the LED at the top of the strips. Or you can load in a whole drum kit (red arrow). The machine has heaps of patterns for use with the drum kits so check them out.

This machine has patterns that accompany the built in kits. The pattern sequencer is at the bottom. You don't have to use them as you can turn the pattern sequencer off and sequence midi in cubase.

If you are looking to get into production or you want to add a whole host of new sounds to Logic or Cubase then I totally recommend Reason. I have shopped around and found the best place to get a great deal for Reason.
maximaal 120 tekens. Wel tekst, geen link!
Uit: Nederland
Sinds: 17-11-2001
Laatste: 18-2-2025
Berichten: 13491
4-11-2003 23:20
Als je zo'n lap tekst quote dan is het wel zo netjes om er een link bij te zetten naar het originele stuk (of in ieder geval de naam van de schrijver te vermelden). Als je het geheel zelf geschreven hebt is dit natuurlijk niet van toepassing.
-- Pardon my French, I'm Dutch --
BramcomStandaard Lid
Uit: Nederland
Sinds: 8-10-2003
Laatste: 29-12-2008
Berichten: 73
5-11-2003 10:00

Dré schreef:

Als je zo'n lap tekst quote dan is het wel zo netjes om er een link bij te zetten naar het originele stuk (of in ieder geval de naam van de schrijver te vermelden). Als je het geheel zelf geschreven hebt is dit natuurlijk niet van toepassing.
zal ik voortaan doen dre :)
maximaal 120 tekens. Wel tekst, geen link!
Dj_Standaard Lid
Uit: Nederland
Sinds: 4-6-2004
Laatste: 11-4-2005
Berichten: 12
18-9-2004 13:34
chek, daar staan een heleboel tutorials voor reason, en ook een heleboel vaak goede nummers geproduceerd met reason

greetzz jan
vinyl junk first klass
Mr_jowsStandaard Lid
Uit: Nederland
Sinds: 7-2-2003
Laatste: 16-10-2013
Berichten: 765
18-9-2004 19:05
Krijgt er toch een handleiding bij als je hem koopt..... ;) In de winkel zijn er ook genoeg boekjes over.
maximaal 120 tekens. Wel tekst, geen link!
DacideStandaard Lid
Uit: Nederland
Sinds: 18-6-2003
Laatste: 31-3-2014
Berichten: 696
24-9-2004 17:22

bramcom schreef:

Dré schreef:

Als je zo'n lap tekst quote dan is het wel zo netjes om er een link bij te zetten naar het originele stuk (of in ieder geval de naam van de schrijver te vermelden). Als je het geheel zelf geschreven hebt is dit natuurlijk niet van toepassing.
zal ik voortaan doen dre :)
Misschien is het wel netjes om even je vorige post te editen en alsnog de bron erbij te vermelden. zie het maar als een vorm van respect voor diegene die de moeite heeft gedaan zo'n lap tekst te schrijven.
"he who makes a beast of himself escapes the pain of being a man" Dr. Johnson

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