sennheiser hd25 part
(1 reactie. Pagina 1 van 1)Moderator(s): Dré
PatriciaWilliamsStandaard Lid Uit: Nederland Sinds: 5-3-2018 Laatste: 5-3-2018 Berichten: 1 | 5-3-2018 17:00 |
I have a hd25 and am very happy with it. Well the ear pads are dry so I want to order them. Well I noticed that the feeling of speaking between the shell and your ear (no idea how you call this part) also cracks. Is this also available separately or can you just order this with a complete new earcup? It would be a shame to think it would be an expensive joke! I hope someone can help me! | |
DréAdministrator Uit: Nederland Sinds: 17-11-2001 Laatste: 22-11-2024 Berichten: 13474 | 5-3-2018 19:45 |
Best to ask this question at the store you want to buy the parts from (because the answer is "it depends"). If that's us then you can mail us at Since this is not an international forum, I'll close this topic. | |
-- Pardon my French, I'm Dutch -- |
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